2024 - Still a long way to go: Inclusion of women with disabilities in African GBV policies - Making It Work Policy Review


Still a long way to go: Inclusion of women with disabilities in African Gender-Based Violence policies. Policy review across 27 countries. Inès Ayyadi, Sophie Pecourt, HI, Making It Work Gender and Disability project, December 2020, contact: Sophie Pecourt s.pecourt@hi.org Picture of Winfred Namukwaya, Executive Direcor of MUDIWA during the Making It Work Gender and Disability Forum 2019 in Nairobi, Kenya.

One in five women is a woman living with a disability, yet very few policies are built to ensure and protect the rights of women with disabilities specifically. Although some policies entail inclusive measures, which deserve to be highlighted, this study sheds light on the huge lack of inclusion and equality of GBV policies.

This policy review was first carried out in 2020. At that time, inclusion, intersectionality and diversity were already at the forefront of the conversation. Although policies should be inclusive and protect those who face intersecting forms of discrimination, our study found that women with disabilities were invisible in two-thirds of GBV policies.

The updated review, published in 2024, sadly confirms that there is still a long way to go among the 31 GBV policies analysed across the African continent.

Beyond the bitter observation, this document aims to improve the inclusion of GBV policies. It gathers elements to guide policy makers on building stronger and more inclusive policies. We also hope that it will inspire women-led civil society organisations to review existing policies, because the better we assess exclusion, the more chance we have of addressing it.

Discover Making It Work's analysis and elements on building stronger and more inclusive policies. Thanks and congratulations to Isabelle Lamaud for this thorough update.

Click here to read the policy review.

Or click here for the French version.

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